Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The 174th meeting of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council is held

Pristina, 12 November 2019- Kosovo Prosecutorial Council held its next meeting chaired by Chairman Bahri Hyseni, where he reviewed and approved the foreseen items on the agenda.

KPC at the beginning of the meeting approved the Inter-Institutional Tracking Mechanism Report along with some recommendations for the characteristic criminal offenses for the period January-September 2019, which was presented by the Director of Prosecution Performance Review Unit, Valon Jupa.

Also following this meeting were reviewed the reports of the review committees on the process of selecting the candidates for Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution and the Basic Prosecution of Prishtina, as well as the recommendations of these committees on the objections of the candidates for Chief Prosecutors of these two prosecutions.

At the end of the meeting, the Prosecutorial Council held two hearing sessions on the implementation of the Law on the Disciplinary Responsibilities of Judges and Prosecutors, and addressed several other issues within its scope.