Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Joint press release from the Special Prosecution and the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo

Prishtinë, 08 April  2022 – At the order  of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo (SPRK), the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, respectively employees from all its operational Departments have conducted early  today an extensive operation within the powers and legal scope of PIK .


Today's operation (codenamed "Point 2") was preceded by an investigation of about a year on suspicion of involvement in illegal activities of a number of police officers related to the criminal offenses of "Bribery" and "Abusing official position or authority”.


This investigation is being conducted in full coordination and leadership by the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo (SPRK), including covert investigative measures.


The investigation also includes cooperation with the prosecutors from SPAK (Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime of the Republic of Albania) and AMP officials of the Agency for Police Oversight (counterpart agency of PIK in Albania).


PIK will continue to be committed to taking actions aimed at strengthening police integrity.