Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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KPC Chair meets members of the Working Group for Drafting the War Crimes Strategy for dealing with cases of war crimes

Pristina, January 21, 2019 - The KPC Chair, Bahri Hyseni, who was also a member of the Working Group for drafting the Strategy for dealing with war crimes cases, held a meeting with the prosecutors of this group, the Prosecutor of State, Besim Kelmendi and State Prosecutor, Drita Hajdari, to discuss the finalization of this important institutional document.

On this occasion, the Chairperson of the Prosecutorial Council has emphasized the need to conclude this strategy, which will be in full function of the relevant State Prosecutor's mechanisms. "I would like to thank you for your valuable contribution to the drafting of this strategy, but also for the work and joint efforts to have such an act on the road ahead" because it embodies and promotes our full conviction that the victims of war crimes cases require justice and should have it as soon as possible, "said Chairman Hyseni in front of the prosecution members of this group.

On the other hand, prosecutorial members have pointed out that an increased and harmonized engagement in this regard has been made and that the implementation of this strategic structure is a common challenge of the law enforcement agencies - the State Prosecutor and the Judiciary.

At the end of this meeting, KPC leader Bahri Hyseni said that beyond all we have achieved so far, I think we should be aware that war cases are complex and require general support, since there are the tragic victims and their stories, which will take the necessary steps to bring their perpetrators to justice.