Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Cooperation with EULEX is appreciated

Prishtina, 14 December 2020 - The Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Bahri Hyseni, held a distance meeting with representatives of the Directorate for Integrated Access to Security and Peace of the European External Action Service, with representatives of the Civil Capacities for Planning and Realization, with representatives of the EEAS Desk for the Western Balkans and representatives of DG NEAR.

The purpose of this meeting was to analyze and evaluate the progress of the implementation of the EULEX mandate, as well as the progress in the rule of law in Kosovo following the completion of the Strategic Review of the EULEX Mission before the end of the current mandate of this mission.

On this occasion, Chairman Hyseni praised the work and commitment of the EULEX mission in Kosovo, focusing on the analysis regarding the cooperation of this mission with the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo.

Furthermore, Chairman Hyseni said that the monitoring and advisory role of EULEX is important for the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo, but also for the rule of law in general.