Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Prishtina, 18th of July, 2014 – There was held the seventy-fourth meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, chaired by the Chief State Prosecutor, simultaneously Head of the Council, Mr. Ismet Kabashi.

During this meeting Prosecutorial Council established the Working Group in charge of the review of the catalogue of recommendations given by the EU Project for supporting KPC and KJC, regarding the Kosovo prosecutorial system. The Working Group shall be chaired by the Deputy Head of Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Idain Ismailji, Head of the Working Groups, and members: Mr. Besim Kelmendi Prosecutor in Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi, Chief Prosecutor of Appellate Prosecution, Mr. Bahri Hyseni, Prosecutor from the Basic Prosecution of Ferizaj and Mr. Ehat Miftari, Director of the Prosecutors` Performance Assessment Unit.

During this meeting, Prosecutorial Council has approved the Standard Operational Procedures for selection of the targets of the serious crimes and inter-institutional cooperation.

In this meeting, Prosecutorial Council has also established the Committee in charge of reviewing the applications of the candidates recommended by civil society for the position of the member in Prosecutorial Council, as per the announced vacancy by KPC. This Committee will be chaired by the Acting Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs Sevdije Morina, together with members of this Committee, Mr Idain Ismajli, Prosecutor from Appellate Prosecution, and member of Prosecutorial Council Mr Teki Bokshi.

Another point of the agenda was the brief report of the Committee of Prosecutors` Performance Assessment, report that was received as information from members of Prosecutorial Council.

Whereas, as far as the matter of Palace of Justice is concerned, and progress regarding this Palace, and locating Prosecutors in this facility, “Building C” due to the spaces of the Offices, was taken the decisions that from prosecutorial system first to be transferred in the named building, Basic Prosecution of Prishtina, Appellate Prosecution and Victims Advocacy and Assistance Office.

KPC has also decided to request from the President of the Republic of Kosovo to dismiss the current Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Ismet Kabashi, since on 5thof August, 2014, he will reach the retirement age as provided by the legislation into force.

Whereas, proposal of the Head of Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Ismet Kabashi, to appoint Mrs Laura Pula, Prosecutor in the Office of Chief State Prosecutor to be Acting Chief State Prosecutor until the nomination of the new Chief State Prosecutor, was not approved by members of Prosecutorial Council. KPC has decide to discuss again for assignment of the Acting Chief State Prosecutor in the next meeting, planned to be held on 29th of July. 

Kosovo Prosecutorial Council has also discussed behind the closed doors regarding the proposition of the Committee in charge of Prosecutors` Appointment, for appointment of 22 new Prosecutors in the Basic Prosecutions.