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There was held the next meeting of Prosecutorial Council

Prishtina, 4th of August 2015 – There was held the one-hundred-third meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, chaired by the Chairman of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, simultaneously Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi.

KPC members during this meeting have discussed regarding the Regulation on the election of Prosecutorial Council members. Members have judged that the candidates who apply for KPC members shall be Prosecutors with the permanent mandate.

Members have approved the proposition that every Chief Prosecutor in duty shall have the right to apply for KPC member. In case of being elected in the capacity of KPC member, following the oath, Chief Prosecutors shall resign from the position of Chief Prosecutor of the respective Prosecution.

Members have also judged that Kosovo Chamber of Advocates and Law Faculties shall have one representative in the capacity of the Council member, whereas Kosovo Assembly shall deal with other procedures until the selection of those members.

Whereas, as far as gender representation in KPC is concerned, members have taken the Decision that in the new composition of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council shall be three women, from thirteen members that this Council shall be composed of.

Today, KPC members have also discussed and approved the Financial Report for the time-period January-July 2014 for State Prosecutor.
Another topic of the agenda was assignment of the Acting Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo. KPC members have approved the proposition of SPRK Prosecutors to have Prosecutor Reshat Millaku in the position of the Head of the named Institution, until the election of the new Chief Prosecutor.

KPC members have agreed to bind a contract between KPC and BVI for placement of State Prosecutor in the KIA premises.

The Appointment Committee of Prosecutorial Council has recommended to KPC members names of nine (9) candidates for Prosecutors from communities, who have met the necessary criteria for Prosecutors. Although, there have been envisaged 15 positions for communities as provided by the Brussels Agreement, there was concluded that only nine candidates shall be proposed to the President of the Republic of Kosovo, for appointment, since others did not meet the necessary criteria.

The Appointment Committee of KPC has recommended to Prosecutorial Council names of 17 candidates for Prosecutors. Following the review of all documents of the candidates, there was concluded that most of those candidates meet the criteria and the same ones shall be proposed to the President of the Republic of Kosovo for appointment.