Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Reaction of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council

Pristina, 23 April 2019 - Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) expresses deep indignation on the denigrating, propagating, offending and threatening language of the political subject "Vetevendosje", which has taken a tendency and aims at violating the integrity, independence and image damage of the prosecutorial system.

The Council calls on all actors, in particular, political entities to avoid the spread of such a language, which constitutes direct interference and pressure, and is in violation of the applicable laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo.

The KPC emphasizes that misuse of the free speech is and remains largely outside the democratic right in our country, since the management and institutional control of the State Prosecutor is an inalienable right of the Council, in which case we are informed that we are not affected by political circles and interest groups because the judicial power within which we operate is a special power and that the State Prosecutor is a unique, independent and impartial institution.

The Prosecutorial Council is committed to all its mechanisms to work, protect and advance any value of integrity, dignity and public transparency as well as to fight any tendency for pressure and interference by anyone.

Therefore, the KPC calls upon the State Prosecutor, his work and mission to be out of every agenda of daily politics, because the evaluation of the work of prosecutors is done solely by the Prosecutorial Council and its mechanisms, and does not depend on the will of individuals, entities and groups.