Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The meeting of the Committee for Normative Issues is held

Pristina, December 7, 2023 - The Commission for Normative Issues, chaired by Armend Zenelaj, held its next meeting, in which the representatives of UNDP and the EU Office in Kosovo also participated.

During today's meeting, the initial draft of the Regulations for the Establishment of the Asset Recovery Office was worked on, this office, which will be established within the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor to provide assistance and advice in tracking assets, cooperation with financial institutions and international cooperation in achieving goals for the return of property acquired through criminal offences.

After the completion of the initial draft, the members of the Commission for Normative Issues decided that this draft should be released to the public hearing and after receiving comments and their review, be finalized and processed for approval at one of the meetings of the KPC.