Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The next meeting of the Commission for Normative Issues is held

Prishtinë, 27 March 2023 – The Commission for Normative Issues, chaired by the prosecutor Armend Zenelaj, held the next meeting, in which case it proceeded with the planned agenda..

During this meeting, the draft Regulation on allowances and compensations for employees in the prosecutorial system was reviewed, where the criteria, conditions, rules, calculation method and procedure for benefiting from allowances and compensations for all employees in the prosecutorial system are defined.

On this occasion, the members of the Commission emphasized that with the entry into force of the Law on wages in the public sector, it has been determined that regarding the procedure, criteria and conditions for compensations and allowances for employees in the prosecutorial system, regulation must be made with internal acts, therefore, the draft of this act is of special importance for the prosecutorial system.

At the end of this meeting, it was said that this regulation, after finalization, will be sent for approval at one of the next meetings of the KPC.